Effective Immediately, we are exchanging all the DFS Beehive older than V1.2. Therefore, to provide you with a speedy exchange process, please BOX your DFS Beehives, and LABEL it “DFS BEEHIVE EXCHANGE (#). By January 25, 2019, please submit boxes for exchange to Fairy Forrest (blackfairy3ds) or Aria Love (aria.songlark).
DFS Beehives
The DFS Beehive is used to produce DFS Honey Jars and DFS Wax. As of January 1, all new beehives will require care. Therefore, the Beehives will give you the following options: CARE, SETTINGS, and eventually HARVEST.
To use:
Rezz out your beehives, click and select CARE, which will give you a “sit” icon at your mouse. Sit and click CARE on DFS HUD or MrClicky to add care (10/10). While the beehive needs ten (10) clicks of care, each lasts 12 hours. It takes five(5) days to Harvest the Beehive, and the harvest will provide a DFS Honey Comb. The DFS Honey Comb has four (4) uses and is used to make a DFS Honey Jar and DFS Wax.
Please be sure to check all recipes on the DFS Recipe Webpage: https://www.digitalfarmsystem.com/dfs-recipes/