DFS HW Jack-O-Lantern Surprise Box 2019

DFS HW Jack-O-Lantern Surprise Box

DFS HW Candle – Moon Cat Pumpkin
DFS HW Candle – Mr Mean Pumpkin
DFS HW Candle – SPOOKY Pumpkin
DFS HW Candle – TOOTHY Pumpkin
DFS HW Candle – “Surprised” Bat Candle
DFS HW Candle – “Crazy” Bat Candle
DFS HW Candle – “Sad” Bat Candle
DFS HW Candle – “Angry” Bat Candle
DFS HW Candle – “Cat Eyes” Bat Candle
DFS HW Candle – Orange Pumpkin Spider
DFS HW Candle – Happy Feet Green
DFS HW Candle – Sweet Pumpkin
DFS HW Candle – Happy Feet Yellow
DFS HW Candle – Happy Feet Teal
DFS HW Candle – Happy Feet Purple
DFS HW Candle – FRIENDS Pumpkin
DFS HW Candle – Mr Signs Pumpkin (11 possible textures)

DFS 3rd Birthday Bash! October 12 – 19

Yes, that is right! Join us in celebrating three impressive fun pack years of DFS! With over 9k users, we are still having fun and growing! Many new items in the works and enhancing our Fishing and Digital Living System (DLS)!

Let’s celebrate our journey and our amazing DFS users, patrons, and supporters! A fun week of activities, live performances, prizes, and hanging with the Community! Event only items! All Merchants are welcome!

If interested in being a Merchant, please pick up notecard from DFS Main Store.

Summer is fun!


When August days are hot an’ dry, when burning copper is the sky,

I ‘d rather fish than feast or fly, in airy realms serene and high.

August is time to fish, beach, and .   .   .   .   .   buy the DFS Farm Stash Box #16. Get yours today and let the times begin!



New DFS Gacha!

New DFS Lunch Boxes: “Feed Your Beast!” Which Beast are You?

Give them a try!

Introducing the NEW DFS Grab Bag!


DFS Grab Bag is a new box to help meet those farming needs and supply you with unique items at a lower cost so everyone can join in! A semi-mysterious bag- the little sign will clue you in to what may await…but we can’t give out all our secrets early!

DFS Grab Bag will be available to purchase the 1-15th. Then on the 16th you will receive you bag with all it’s wonderful goodies! There’s no group to join, so you don’t need extra group space.…we thought that might help out too.

Each DFS Grab Bag will be priced between $1000L and $1500L depending on what is in it.

Either way, no matter who you are, this box is for you!
PLEASE NOTE! Items will only be sent on the 16th as soon as ice12192 Dover is online to process purchases!

Grab yours today!

The Little Chef is busy at work!

~ All That ~ EVENT, which opens June 1st featuring the new DFS Little Chef Items:
DFS Oven – Little Chef
DFS Stove : Little Chef
DFS Prep Table : Little Chef 
DFS Butcher Table : Little Chef

Mother’s Day DFS Farm Stash Box #13


“There is no velvet so soft as a mother’s lap, no rose as lovely as her smile, no path so flowery as that imprinted with her footsteps.” —Archibald Thompson

As we prepare for Mother’s Day, don’t forget to get your Mother’s Day DFS Farm Stash Box #13 filled with unique DFS goodies to help you celebrate Mother’s Day and love!


THE EASTER BUNNY IS IN TOWN, and the DFS Community is loving him!


Get dressed up in your Easter clothes and come down to the community sim to get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny on Saturday, April 20th @ noon SLT! Get a free chocolate bunny and photo taken with him before he hops off into the woods!

DFS Catch Contest: Congratulations to all of this week’s Winners!