*** Notice of Current Testing ***

DFS Family,

We are currently working on a few fun things to implement leveling. Currently if you have Level 1 in DFS (Can exchange your XP to Levels in store). For the fishing, anyone below level 1, you can catch normal fish and Bass at tournaments. You will need to at least be at least Level 1 to catch extras such as salt mill, paper, nails, and shrimp.

To exchange your XP for Levels. Click the Convert XP to DFS Level and select the XP type you want to exchange to reach Level 1 and higher.

The higher the level the more it also increases your chances of receiving double items from harvests.

Happy Monday! The January 7th releases are here!

New Recipes:

DFS Holiday Egg Nog Tray

DFS Valentines Candy Box 2019


DFS Honey Jar

New Items:

DFS Lemon Tree – Mini

DFS Lemon Tree – Vines

DFS Apple Tree – Espalier

DFS Apple Tree – Bushy

Remember, check all recipes on the DFS Recipe Webpage: https://www.digitalfarmsystem.com/dfs-recipes/

Christmas has come to DFS!

Join us at SL Christmas Expo 2018, Nov 30 – Dec 9, 2018 at 8AM SLT. A worthy event funded by the American Cancer Society.

The event will feature DFS Mr. Clicky – Christmas Elf Larry! You will have the pleasure of keeping Larry forever. That is right folks! Larry will not poof! Say hi to Mr. and Mrs. Santa Cow and Bull! Be sure to find the Christmas stocking where cute and adorable Wooly the Sheep is hiding!

Come and join the fun!



Don’t Miss the DFS CYBER MONDAY SALE! Tons of users’ favorites on sale for 25% off! Favorite items such as still, beehive, lily, tool kits, and more!

Monday, November 26, in front of the DFS Mainstore Only! The sale is only for 24 hours on Monday!


Don’t Miss the DFS BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Tons of users’ favorites on sale for 25% off! Favorite items such as Turkeys, Boosters, Windpump Took kits, and of course the all time Favorite: MrClicky!

Starting at 12 AM SL, Friday, November 23, in front of the DFS Mainstore Only! The sale is only for 24 hours on Friday!



Deck the Halls with Holiday Cheer!


Sign up NOW, for the DFS Farm Stash Box #8, to get a head start on creating the DFS Winter Wonderland! Packed with many fun and creative items, the DFS Farm Stash Box is designed to bring in the holiday season.

Also, for the December Farm Stash Box #8, one in every 20 Stashers will win an extra stash box!


Gooble Gooble! Until November 30th, Turkeys are back in the DFS Main Store!

Visit the DFS Main Store! Time to plan that awesome family dinner or any special occasion will do!

DFS Turkeys have a lifespan of 10 days and provide raw whole turkey.  The DFS Turkeys are fully grown on Day 6 and will provide 1 meat with 5 uses before day 6 baby turkeys provide 1 meat with 1 use. Female turkeys can get pregnant once after day 6.

New DFS Flowers Are Here!

Lovely and Colorful New Carnations are now available to purchase in the DFS Main Store. Be sure to go and discover your favorite one . . . or more!

DFS Flowers – Carnation (Light Pink)
DFS Flowers – Carnation (Light Purple)
DFS Flowers – Carnation (White)
DFS Flowers – Carnation (Orange Pink)
DFS Flowers – Carnation (Yellow)



The party starts at noon on October 31! Halloween Day!

Wear your fun or spooking it is totally up to you!

The Fun and Exciting DJ Ravn will be in the house giving us Awesome Tunes to rock our graves!

Fun Spooky Farmers and Light Refreshments!

See you there!


*** Important Update Notice ***

NEW DFS Freezer – Wooden

Please send your current DFS Freezers in a folder, not boxed, to a CSR or Blackfairy3ds with a notecard entitled “Exchanging (put the # of freezers) for New Freezer (username),” for example Exchanging 6 for New Freezer (Hope).  We have fixed a bug and updated the look of the DFS Freezer. Please note, this exchange is only for the DFS Freezer.  We will return your freezers as soon as possible.

Thank you for your assistance.