Monday’s Release: Cock-a-doodle-doo!



Time to get up and collect those egg! However, bright and early Monday, September 15, 2017, you can also collect chicken meat as well! That is right, DFS Community, chicken meat is here!

The Monday release will be the DFS Rooster and the DFS Hen, with a lifespan of 20 days. The DFS Rooster and DFS Hen provides 2 meats between 1 – 14 days. At 15 days, both birds will provide full meat (5). Every 6 days, the DFS Hen will provide an egg, when clicked will be a new chicken.

In the same manner, you care for the other animals, you will care for the birds: wearing the DFS HUD, you will attached the DFS brush, click to select, sit and brush both the DFS Rooster and DFS Hens. However, unlike the other birds, brushing will allow you to reach 100% happiness, without protein. The DFS Rooster and DFS Hen will eat the same food as their DFS Chicken Coop cousins. Unlike their DFS Coop cousins, they will need a water trough to drink water. Please note, the DFS Rooster and DFS Hen will not provide cooking eggs.

Now, please share those yummy chicken recipes! Fried Chicken! Chicken Casseroles! Chicken Cacciatore! Chicken Tacos! What are some of your favorites!

Please submit your suggestions:

September means, “Time to go back to school”!

Back to School fun!

DFS Lunch boxes

DFS Snack Pack Strawberry Milk

DFS Snack Pack Ranch Dipper

DFS Snack Pack BLT Sandwich

September means, “Time to go back to school”!

We need notebooks and pencils! Plenty of awesome show and tell items! Science and Math books! Here come the school assignments!

Let’s not forget lunch time fun!

We have yummy new DFS snacks! Of course, we can do better than an old brown bag! We are going bring our lunch in styles using the new DFS Lunch boxes! Remember, DFS Lunch boxes are fun for any age! The DFS Lunch boxes are great ways to pack your work lunch as well! Collect your favorites! Collect them all!

Monday’s release!

DFS Snack Pack Caramel Apple Cupcake
DFS Snack Pack BLT Sandwich
DFS Snack Pack Strawberry Milk
DFS Snack Pack Berry Blast Juice
DFS Snack Pack Tropical Twist Juice
DFS Snack Pack Super Fruit Punch Juice
DFS Snack Pack Banana Milk
DFS Snack Pack Ranch Dipper
DFS Snack Pack Chocolate Milk
DFS Snack Pack Scout Cookies
And DFS Dressings Ranch!

(Special thanks to Cookie Obsession Troop 143, Fall’s Haven for loaning us their school house.)

Need a little help filling those towers and troughs, OK,  here it is!


For a Limited Time (09.05.17 to 09.12.17), you can purchase test windpumps for 50L$. Please note the windpumps are the test model and not the final version.


Note: Please place windpump close to the tower or trough.

The windpumps are available at the entrance of the main store.

New Recipe


Ready for a tasty treat? Try the delicious DFS Runesfalls Cheese cake.

DFS Runefalls Cheese Cake
DFS Prep Table
Slot – Item
1 – DFS Grape Jelly
2 – DFS Cream
3 – DFS Flour
4 – DFS Cheese
5 – DFS Vanilla Bean
6 – DFS Ground Cinnamon
Time : 00:03:00:
1 Use – 50 EP/use – 5 XP

Digital Farming System (DFS) has a lot of awesome things going on!

First off, we would like to thank our incredible Patreon Supports and all of our customers! We reached our first benchmark goal, and our now able to move to a homestead! Therefore, we are on the lookout for one, and plan to make the move soon!  The new site will allow us to implement some exciting new additions to the DFS product line, which will be fun for the whole DFS Community!

Secondly, we have a few great items being tested by our team.  These items are based on your requests, therefore we are excited to be able to provide them soon.

  • The DFS Roosters and Hens will be raised for meat. They will have a life cycle of 20 days. You can expect a new chick from the Hen every 6 day.
  • The lemon trees and berry bushes are almost ready to hit the store. The lemon trees will have a harvest cycle of 7 days, and 3 days for the berry bushes.  Overall, they will function as the other trees and plants.
  • The DFS Windpump is also in testing, many of you tested this items weeks ago. However, the development team has continued to enhance this product, and it is doing great this testing period. Remember, this items fills the tower for a limited time period.

As you can tell, we have been very busy, but rest assure we are not done yet! There are lots of wonderful things in the works! Keep your eyes and hears on the updates and news! The next few months will be very exciting for all of us!

Again, thanks for your continued support, and encouragement!





Bad Cows!

Please note:

If your cows are not getting pregnant, they may be part of the bad batch that was replaced on 08/26/2017.  Please refer to the notice circulate on the same date. It is recommended that you slaughter the defected cows and look in your inventory for the distributed replacements.  At that time, DFS replaced 800 cows.


Ready for a good hearty breakfast, try Jonathan Scamper’s DFS Scampers Hungry Man Breakfast, which is available for a Limited Time.  Jonathan is the winner of the August Cooking Contest.

New Invisible Kitchen Appliances, the beauty is inside!

Have you seen the new invisible kitchen appliances? They are great! Come see and sample the awesome Invisible kitchen item and some of the modern appliance on display in the main store.

All you see is cutie!

However, the DFS appliances are right there for you to use.


Sugarcane Basket Update!

Please note, at harvest, you will receive DFS sugarcane, instead of DFS Raw Sugar from the Sugarcane crops.

Cooking Contest

Good day all,
The winner of the cooking contest is Jonathan Scamper
He was the lucky one from the draw out of 46 people who got 500 points and more 🙂
His recipe will be released on the first of next month
Thank you all